The Hall and Stage
Main Hall. This is a multi-purpose area which is currently used for badminton, exercise classes and indoor bowls as well as for dances, concerts and parties now that new acoustic panelling has been installed. The sprung wooden floor has been sanded and varnished. Comfortable padded chairs and lightweight tables are available, and the hall has an approved capacity of 150.
Stage. The stage area is a 'black box', making it suitable for all types of drama productions. It has front drapes and side tabs plus ten overhead spotlights, and can be accessed from both the front and the back. Sound equipment is also available on request.
Gents and Ladies toilets are situated just inside the hall entrance area, where there is also a disabled toilet.
Hall Dimensions
Width 8.4 metres
Length (to the stage) 18 metres
Height 4.5 metres
There are 200 chairs, 20 large tables that seat 8 people & 10 small ones that seat 6 people.
Stage Dimensions
Width 8.4 metres
Length 6.3 metres
Height 2.9 metres
Height (from the floor) 1.05 metres
There are 12 overhead lights on the stage.
There are 4 profiles (spotlights) at the front of the stage, 4 fresnel gels at the back. These are controlled from a desk control unit with 2 sets of dimmer controls. There are lots of cable connected to this that you could control the lighting from down in the hall.
There are 2 more spotlights at the front of the stage controlled from a different cupboard. There are 4 spotlights in the main hall.
There are 6 blackout curtaIns on the stage - 3 on each side and 1 big one along the back.
If you would like to dowload plans for the building, click here and then here (it's so big, it needs two documents).